1st Semestar M.M.-100
(a) Definition of Nature Cure, Importance of Urulikanchan and other Nature Cure Centres; Experiments of Gandhiji in Nature Cure; Basic Principles of healthy life; Five Elements and their importance for body; Importance of Ram Nam & Brahamchary of Prohibition of Intoxicants, stimulants; Activities of Gandhi Smarak Prakritik Chikitsa Samity, etc.
(b) Properties of Mud and Water and their applications.
(c) Various types of treatment in Naturopathy.
Practical and Oral Examination M.M.-100
Ilnd Semestar
First Paper M. M.-100
(a) Basic principles of Nature Cure: Balance of food, Exercise, Rest etc; Use of five Basic Elements; Causes of diseases and their growth; Treatment of acute diseases and chronic diseases, and modes of cleansing the body.
(b) Importance of Food in Nature Cure Treatment: Balanced diet, when how much and what? Natural methods of cooking; Food adulteration; Effects of Chemical Fertilizers and Insecticides on food items; Method of Natural Farming and ways of preparing compost manure.
Second Paper M. M.-100
(a) Evil effects of medicines and addictions on health.
(b) Effects of Soil, Water, Air, food, and Sound pollution on body.
(c) Methods of Mud, Hydro and Massage therapies, Enema, Hip bath, Sitzbath, Spinal Bath, Steam Bath, Wet Sheet Pack, Different types of Packs and Baths, etc.
(d) Shat Karma, Yogasana, and Pranayam.
(e) Duties and Behaviour of a Chikitsa Sahayak.
(f) First Aid
Practical And Viva Examination M.M.-100
(For Non Bio group Students)
(1) Biology: Study of cell and different systems of body, Muscular skeleton, Joints, Digestive, Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive, Nervous, and Endocrine glands Skin, Sensory Organs and their structure and functions; Blood its composition and functions; Functions and structure of liver, heart, lungs, kidney, intestinal abdomin, brain, eyes, cells and bone morrow.
(2) Microbiology: Types of germs, bacteria and viruses and their relation with diseases, fermentation and decomposition.
(3) Botany: Photo Synthesis, structure and function of root, trunk and leaves. Difference between vegetation cell and human cell.
(4) Physics: Reflection and refraction of light, rays, structure of light and its utility, method of heat measurement, its importance in human life; latent heat and specific heat; density and relative density; seasons and pollution.
(5) Chemistry: Physical and chemical changes; Acid, Alkaline and salts; Functions, properties and composition of Oxygen, Hydrogen, Chlorine and Nitrogen; Solid, liquid and Gases; Matter compound and mixture; Water soft and hard.
N.D.D.Y. First Year
- First Paper M.M.-100
(a) Philosophy of Nature Cure: What is health? Natural way of living; Principles of Nature Cure; Five Basic Elements of nature, their origin and use in Naturopathy; Vital Force, Toxins (foreign matter); Definitions of Disease, Curing of Disease, Health, Labour, Rest, Exercise; Unity of body, Mind and Soul; Auto suggestion; Remedial Properties of Mud and Mud Treatment.
(b) History and Development of Nature Cure.
(c) Naturopathy and Comparative Study of Ayurved’s Punch Karmas, Ritucharya with analysis of Tridosh. - Second Paper M. M.-100
(a) Anatomy & Physiology: Structure of cell and tissues, structure and function of all the systems of the body, including skin, blood and sensory organs.
(b) Environment & Ecology: Pollution-Air, Water and Sound; Adulteration of Food; Bio-degradation, deforestation; Impact of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on human beings; organic cultivation and methods of preparing compost manure.
Practical and Viva Examination M.M.-100 - N.D.D.Y. Second Year
- First Paper M.M.-100
(a) Fasting: Definition of fasting, difference between fasting and starvation; Types of fasting and its effects on the body; How to start fasting & breaking it; treatment of crisis during fast; complete fast, partial fast, monodiet, and Healing Crisis Conditions in which fast is prohibited.
(b) Complete study of Digestive System.
(c) Nutrition: Nutrition and its importance; Malnutrition, and Natural resistance through food digestion, absorption, assimilation.
(d) Dietetics: Classification of foods and drinks, Balanced diet; Processed or Preserved foods and their effects; Acidic and Alkalin food; Importance of food on different conditions, Germinated food: Combination of food and Principle of kalp; Importance of Vegitarian food. - Second Paper M.M.-100
(a) Manipulative Therapy: Scientific massage Theory, it curative effect on physiology, Skin, Muscular System, Circulatory system; Digestive system and nervous system; Conditions in which massage is prohibited; Effects on sensitive points and Accupressure points; and Types of massage,
(b) Chromo therapy: Brief history and importance; Spectrum, its seven colours and their properties; Basic principles of chromo therapy; Method of charging air, water, oil, sugar, etc, in sun rays and their utility, etc; Primary and secondary colours, their uses and impact on body and chromo therapy; and Types of Sunbath.
(c) Hydrotherapy: Its inventor; Remedial properties of Water, Effects of water on the body organs; Techniques of Hydrotherapy; Various baths at different temperatures and their duration, and Different types of Enema, Packs, and fomentation.
Note: Question can be taken asked on contents of “Prakritik Upchar” issues and syllabus of Sahayak Chikitsak and N. D. D. Y. first year courses.
Practical and Oral Examination M. M.-100 - N.D.D.Y. Third Year
- First Paper M. M.-100
(a) Dignostic Methods (Traditional and Modern),
(b) Acute Diseases and Nature Cure Treatment
(c) Gynecology and Obstratics.
(d) Mother and Child Care, Care of Mother and New Born.
Second Paper M. M.-100
(a) Chronic Diseases: Nature Cure of all systems of the body.
(b) First Aid.
(c) Public Health and Hygiene.
d) Management of Nature Cure Hospitals Planning, Management, and Administration - Third Paper M. M.-100
Yoga and Shat Karma: Definition, Aims and Objects, Different types of Yoga; Philosophy of Yoga Sutra; Steps of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga); Effects of Various Yogic Asanas on different systems of body, Techniques of Asanas; Curative effects of Asanas; Pranayams; Mudras; Bandh; Shatkriya; Difference between Yogic and Non-Yogic exercises; Surya Namaskar, Treatment of Diseases; Chakra, Meditation, etc. - Viva M.M.-100
Note: Questions can be asked on contents of “Prakritik Upchar”, issue and syllabus of chikistsa Sahayak, and N. D. D. Y. 1st year